Migrating Your PostgreSQL Database with a Kogito upgrade
When working with Kogito Serverless Workflow PostgreSQL database, you can either opt to use Flyway or manually upgrade your database via DDL scripts.
When you upgrade your Kogito Serverless Workflow version, by default it won’t pick up the latest changes available.
How to migrate
Migrate using Flyway Config
Kogito provides a mechanism for migrating your database while updating the Kogito version using the following
properties (default value isfalse
, not upgrade):quarkus.flyway.migrate-at-start=true quarkus.datasource.db-kind=postgresql
propertiesThis will create a schema history table
in your database to track the version of each database, recording in it every versioned migration file applied to build that version.
When using kogito-addons-persistence-jdbc , it is mandatory to set the quarkus.datasource.db-kind property, so that Flyway can locate the appropriate scripts for the database.
Migrate using Flyway CLI
If you want to migrate manually you can use the Flyway migration CLI tool.
Download Flyway migration command-line tool from the Download Flyway Community Edition website.
Add the following properties in the
file:flyway.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/foobardb flyway.user=foo flyway.password=bar
properties -
You can specify these options with commands as well. The Flyway CLI will prompt for the username and password if they are missing in the configuration.
$ flyway migrate -url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/foobardb -user=foo -password=bar
Download the Kogito DDL zip from this link, choose the correct version, extract the files and use the scripts from the
folder. -
You can specify the location of the SQL files that need to be migrated using the
option. For example,flyway.locations=classpath:com.mycomp.migration,database/migrations,filesystem:/sql-migrations,s3:migrationsBucket,gcs:migrationsBucket
Manually executing scripts
You can use the provided SQL scripts in the zip file to migrate the database by executing them one by one.
You can find the Kogito DDL scripts by visiting this link.
Download the zip file of the scripts from the needed version for the Kogito upgrade.
Extract the files.
Execute the
files frompostgresql
folder.> psql -H host -U username -d database_name -a -f create_table.sql
Baseline migration
In order to apply migrations to an existing schema. It is necessary to establish the baseline from where Flyway should start executing new migrations. That means, in case your schema already contains a structure and from now on, new changes provided by Kogito should be applied via Flyway integration. In Flyway terms, only migrations above baselineVersion
will then be applied.
Using below properties you can initialize flyway schema table.
Baseline using Quarkus Configuration:
Baseline using Flyway CLI:
$ flyway -baselineOnMigrate="true" -baselineVersion="1.32.0" migrate
Be careful when enabling this feature as it removes the safety net which ensures that Flyway does not migrate the wrong database in case of a configuration mistake. |
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