Serverless Logic Web Tools

The Serverless Logic Web Tools is a web application that allows authors to create and sync Serverless Workflow, Decision and Dashbuilder files, all in a single interface, while also providing the integrations needed to deploy and test Serverless Workflow models in development mode.

serverless logic web tools overview
Figure 1. Home page

What’s inside?

The Serverless Logic Web Tools provides 3 different editors for your projects:

  • Serverless Workflow editor, for .sw.json or .sw.yaml|yml files;

  • Serverless Decision editor, for .yard.json or .yard.yaml|yml files;

  • Dashbuilder editor, for dash.yaml|yml files.

Feature Preview: For an improved experience when previewing your Serverless Workflow, check out how to enable the new Kogito Serverless Workflow Visualization diagram.

Getting started

Not much needs to be done to start creating your projects in the web tool. You can start by creating a new model from scratch or using one of the samples provided.

On the home page, choose the type of model you want to create, then click the button corresponding to the file type you wish (JSON or YAML).

serverless logic web tools create
Figure 2. Create

A new workspace will be created, containing a single file of the chosen type. The file is created with the name "Untitled", but clicking its name allows you to rename it to your liking.

Editing workflow files will update the preview on the right-hand side of the editor and all files are saved automatically on every change.

The files are persisted in the browser, but syncing can be done with the Github integration.

Found an issue?

If you find an issue or any misleading information, please feel free to report it here. We really appreciate it!