Kogito Serverless Workflow Applications in Cloud

Kogito Serverless Workflow is evolving as platform to build and deploy workflow applications in Kubernetes clusters.

You have two options to deploy your workflow applications: either as a full Quarkus project or using the Kogito Serverless Workflow Operator.

The cards below list all features included in the platform to deploy workflow applications either with Quarkus or the Operator.

Eventually these two options will converge, the Kogito Serverless Workflow Operator will also be able to handle full Quarkus projects. So if you opt in to use Quarkus now and manually deploy your workflows, bear in mind that it’s on the project’s roadmap to integrate the Quarkus experience with the Operator.

Kubernetes with Quarkus

For Java developers, you can use Quarkus and a few add-ons to help you build and deploy the application in a Kubernetes cluster. Kogito Serverless Workflow also generates basic Kubernetes objects YAML files to help you getting started. The application should be managed by a Kubernetes administrator.

Learn how to build images for your workflow applications using Quarkus CLI

Learn what is and how the Kubernetes service discovery for workflow application configuration works

Learn how to deploy your workflow application on Minikube for local tests and development

Learn how to deploy your workflow application on Kubernetes

Kubernetes with the Operator

For developers that are looking for a native Kubernetes approach where you can model workflows using YAML definitions and directly deploy them, you can use the Kogito Serverless Workflow Operator. The operator registers a new Kubernetes resource in the cluster to manage your workflow development iteration cycle and composition of services and events. The application is managed by the operator.

Learn how to install the Kogito Serverless Workflow Operator in a Kubernetes cluster

Learn how to deploy a workflow for development purposes

Learn how to configure workflows deployed with Kogito Serverless Workflow Operator

Learn to interpret the workflow resource status conditions

Learn how to build and deploy workflow services with Kogito Serverless Workflow Operator

Learn about the known issues and feature roadmap of the Kogito Serverless Workflow Operator